
Quirky è una distribuzione Linux creata tramite il tool Woof ed è creata dallo stesso autore di Puppy Linux. E’ specificatamente creata per esplorare nuove idea che vanno oltre il normale approccio con cui si crea una distribuzione Linux.

Questa versione è costruita intorno ad un unico grande file: se il boot parte, tutto è già pronto all’uso.

Versione 7.0: “April”

Questa versione contiene (in Inglese):

  • I created Puppy Linux back in 2003, but there was never a toolchain for compiling Puppy completely from source. Instead, Puppy is built from binary packages of another distro, plus PET packages compiled natively.
  • We did use the T2 system right back at Puppy v2, T2 being a system to compile from source, however it only compiled a big chunk of the packages, not all. We still used manual compiling to create many PET packages.
  • Until now. In early 2015, I tackled the formidable task of compiling everything in T2, and I had to introduce 105 new packages into T2. It took a couple of months, but I eventually was able to compile every package required for Quirky (or Puppy).
  • T2 is able to compile for various CPU targets, and the proof of concept was when I compiled for a x86_64 CPU (all previous builds had been for i686). I was able to build a x86_64-based Quirky, and it works the same as the i686 build (after some tweaks).


La distribuzione può essere scaricata da:

Il sito web della distibuzione è:



Quirky 7.0: “April”

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Il nome di questa versione “April” corrisponde al cagnolino mascotte del proggetto image

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